Monday, September 8, 2008

EXP2 - WK7 - Site Section

Based on the terrain of the site (contour), it is clear that our site (for community centre) is lower than the surroundings. Therefore, i wanted to create a building which is high-rise. But one problem with a high-rise design would be the blocking of the view of the coogee beach for the buildings which are located behind the community centre.
Therefore, my approach for the community centre design was that i would make only one section of the centre tall, which is going to be a tower in the middle.

EXP2 - WK7 - Detailed Section

These are scanned images of 1:20 Detailed Section of my design.
The first image depicts the overall design of the Community Centre.
The second image shows the upper part - Tower, which has a cafe(reastaurant), a small meeting area, office areas for employees and managers.
The third image displays southern section of the centre - gym and kitchen facilities, toilets.
In the last image, i wanted to show materiality of the centre - therefore, i have included pasted image of brick