Wednesday, November 5, 2008

EXP4.WK14.Final Submission - Presentation

EXP4.WK14.Final Submission - Concept of Design

Final product (design + structure) is very important in design process. But i think the concepts and ideas which my design is based on is as important.

The keyword for my design was insertion. This is because i was asked to insert a new building into a existing context. The relationship between new and existing contexts is a vital factor in determining the final design.

Through functional and environmental diagrams, i have begun my design process with initial design ideas. The relationship with the existing grandstand further developed my design ideas.

The last drawing inspired and influenced me throughout my design process. I wanted to create a building which can be seen as a iconic symbol of the coogee area.

EXP4.WK14.Final Submission - Site Plan

For my site plan, i have drawn the roof plan of community centre. The bold line define roof plan of third floor whereas thin line indicates second floor plan. What I tried to achieve was the replica of the existing grandstand shape but in a tilted way.

EXP4.WK14.Final Submission - Plans

This drawing shows simplified plan view of the third floor, second floor and ground floor levels from left to right. Different architectural symbols indicate different area uses and purposes.

EXP4.WK14.Final Submission - Elevations and Sections

EXP4.WK14.Final Submission - Perspective Drawings

These are some of rendered images of the my final design of the coogee community centre. As you can see, the ground level is used as cafe space with tables on the western side and the staircase located on the eastern side. On the second level, the outdoor recreational space and office areas are located. The sporting and community facilities are allocated on the third level.

It is not very clear in this reduced image shwon above, but i have added figures of people on and around the community centre to make it realistic.

EXP4.WK14.Final Submission - Model

These are photographed images of my final model for Coogee Community Centre. Various photographs were taken from different angles, view and levels.

The image shown above, depicts the plan of the second floor. The second floor is accessible from the stairs connecting from the ground floor level on Brook St. If you reach the second floor, you are led into foyer space which connects into different rooms and areas, such as large gym hall on the northern side, toilets and gym hall kitchen on the eastern side, staff office areas on the western side and outdoor recreation area on the southern part.

Two images on the above show the ground floor plan view. On the ground floor, there are cafe space with kitchen and toilets on each side of the cafe kitchen. From ground floor, stairs are located into second floor level. The second image shows the relationship between the ground floor level of the community centre and the existing grandstand.

This photograph portrays the third ground floor level, which has two small gym halls, rub down area, change rooms with toilets, flexible workshop and storage areas, and audio-visual space. The second level is mainly used as staff facilities and general purposes, whereas the third level is for sporting and community uses.

Two images above display the overall structure/scheme or design of my community centre, in relations to the existing grandstand on the southern side of the centre.

This is the side view of the first and second level, clearly showing the connection between those two level through staircase. Closed area on the northern part of the second floor in contrast to the open area on the souther part create a dynamic shadow castings inside the building.

Once again, these pictures above show the final design product.

Two above photos display the plan views of the third floor level, which has outdoor spaces on both western and eastern sides. Through the windows, community centre users can enjoy the view of the coogee beach and surroundings while they are at community centre.

For my final design scheme, i have used a large number of windows on the second and third floors, to achieve full view of the surrounding environments such as coogee beach and oval. Also through these windows, a large amount of natural light can be obtained, (less use of artifical lightings in the building) to keep the community centre bright.

Monday, October 13, 2008

EXP3 - WK11 - Model

These are the images of my community centre design. The building consists of three separate blocks, jointed together. The middle tower is used as cafe, restaurant area and small gym areas with the view of the coogee beach through openings and windows. The two buildings on each side of the middle tower are used as office areas, toilets, change area, large gym areas and recreational areas. The reason why they are lower than the middle tower is to not block the view of the buildings surrounding it.

The entrance to the building is through Brook St. People can access to the building via doors on the ground level and through stairs located inside the building to the second floor.

EXP3 - WK11 - Floor Plans

These are drawings of floor plans of my design of community centre.
The first image shows the site plan with community centre inserted in it. The second image displays the area given to us for this project.

The last image shows the floor plans of community centre. The floor plan of the left building shows the second floor plan, the stairs connecting to the first floor, without doors. The floor plan of the right-hand side building shows the first floor plan, with doors opening.

EXP3 - WK11 - Site plans and Maps

Site plans and maps indicating the elements of the context and themes that have influenced my design. The first image is showing the theme of insertion, which was the main influence on my design of community centre. By inserting new infrastructure, which is community centre, I wanted to establish a new relationship between the existing and new developed context.

The second image is the environmental diagram, showing contours, heritage sites and trees in the ares. The last image is the functional diagram, showing direction of wind, and warm breeze, and people's movement.

EXP3 - WK11 - Elevations and Sections

These 4 images show elevations and sections of my design of community centre
The first image depicts west elevation and the second one is north elevation.
The third image shows west section, the middle tower is 3-storey high, and two adjacent buildings are 2-storey high.
The last image shows north section.

Monday, September 8, 2008

EXP2 - WK7 - Site Section

Based on the terrain of the site (contour), it is clear that our site (for community centre) is lower than the surroundings. Therefore, i wanted to create a building which is high-rise. But one problem with a high-rise design would be the blocking of the view of the coogee beach for the buildings which are located behind the community centre.
Therefore, my approach for the community centre design was that i would make only one section of the centre tall, which is going to be a tower in the middle.

EXP2 - WK7 - Detailed Section

These are scanned images of 1:20 Detailed Section of my design.
The first image depicts the overall design of the Community Centre.
The second image shows the upper part - Tower, which has a cafe(reastaurant), a small meeting area, office areas for employees and managers.
The third image displays southern section of the centre - gym and kitchen facilities, toilets.
In the last image, i wanted to show materiality of the centre - therefore, i have included pasted image of brick